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Sexual Health Blogs

Feminist Porn

By: Alyssa Morterud

Feminism is the “belief in, and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests” (Merriam-Webster). Feminism and pornography have a complicated relationship, as a lot of mainstream porn promotes unrealistic and often heteronormative ideologies. Mainstream porn adheres to the harmful neoliberal mindset that performers, specifically cis-gendered women, are not people but rather bodies that should fit into a stereotyped mold of perfection to be marketed unjustly. Consequently, many feminists use this reasoning to justify their anti-pornography views. Anti-porn feminists have argued that “(1) harm is endemic to the production of pornography; (2) its existence increases the rates of rape and other violence against women and (3) that it supports and promotes gender inequality (economic, status or otherwise), contributing to women’s subordination” ( In other words, the consumption of pornography promotes rape culture and disrespect toward cis-gendered women. More than this, many anti-pornography feminists feel that mainstream porn sets unrealistic standards.

Some feminists feel that the negative relationship between porn and feminism is a direct result of the male gaze. The term male gaze was coined by Laura Mulvey in the 70s. The idea is presented around the fact that “most porn has a predominantly male perspective. The directors are usually men, and most porn is made for men. As a result, the camera often embodies the “male gaze“...women are presented exclusively as objects of desire and never as subjects of pleasure.” (everydayfeminism) Feminist porn looks to right this wrong by centering its production on female pleasure and realistic depictions of sex. Feminists note that “porn plays a significant role in shaping sexual culture, so the more porn reflects a feminist perspective on sex, the better off we will all be.” (everydayfeminism)

So What Exactly is Feminist Porn?

Madison Young is a pornographic actress, director, bondage model, published writer, sexual educator, and founder of Femina Potens Art Gallery. She is a pioneer in the feminist porn industry, alongside other wonderful creators like Erika Lust and Paulita Pappel. Young defines feminist porn as the following:

“Feminist porn takes a cultural form that has historically been seen as the purview of men. It reworks sexual images and conventions to explore new and more diverse kinds of desires." (unboundbabes)

In this sense, feminist porn is created in a sex-positive community. It gives women a chance to reclaim their sex lives and illustrate authentic depictions of pleasure. Feminist porn also adheres to ethical standards for a multitude of reasons. Reason number one being is that feminist porn showcases sexuality through an intersectional lens, or it “represents marginalized groups without fetishizing them.” (unboundbabes) Moreover, “actors are paid fairly, and consent is a crucial component in production.” Feminist porn is about equality and respect, it encourages ethical consumption and also adheres to ethical guidelines during production. When engaging with feminist porn, “both the audience and the participants enter and leave the space empowered.” if you’re interested in checking out feminist porn that you can feel great about engaging with, check out these amazing sites!

  1. Bright Desire

  2. Pink Label TV

  3. Crash Pad Series

  4. Lustery

  5. Sex School

  6. Blue Artichoke Films

  7. Cinema Joy

  8. Cine Sinclaire

  9. Lust Cinema

  10. Ersties