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Sexual Health Blogs

Stones and Sex: Using Crystals And Other Methods To Balance Your Sacral Chakra

I believe in crystals. As much as it sounds stupid, practicing with them has truly helped me to connect and listen to my body more. I notice more easily if something isn’t quite right and can resolve it easier. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that you should turn to crystals compared to modern medicine, amethyst is NOT going to help a dislocated shoulder go back into place. I am a strong believer, however, that crystals can help in matters of emotions, and in turn help your body. The basic premise/idea is that crystals hold energy, and when in contact with our body and our internal energy, the crystals heal these energies — essentially healing the body from the inside. This reading will focus on the healing of the sacral chakra, this can be located below the navel. The sacral chakra is associated with “creativity, sensuality, and sexuality” — if you want to look for a way to tap into this ancient power, continue reading! 

Chakras are simply nerve bundles or energy centres that are distributed throughout the body–every human has all seven chakras, regardless of their belief system. These specific points are associated with different physical and emotional functions in your body, which can affect your overall well-being. Starting from the pelvic floor (or the Root Chakra) and working our way up, the second chakra, the sacral chakra, is referred to as the “‘sex chakra’” due to the way it is believed to improve sexual intimacy. Arthur O’Malley discusses in Activation of the Chakras that the sacral chakra is believed to be the centre for both relationships and social interactions. It can also be seen as the centre for dealing with issues related to the inner child aspects of our personality.

In Hinduism, it can be believed that this chakra is governed by Parvati, the goddess of fidelity, fertility, and power. The sacral chakra is also associated with the water element and the colour orange, so if you are finding yourself being drawn to orange crystals, this could be your body's way of telling you to pay attention to your sacral chakra! It is also believed that the chakras exist on earth, with the sacral chakra being located at Lake Titicaca, with the sacral chakra’s element being water, it would make sense that it is located in a large body of fresh water. 

The sacral chakra is associated with several characteristics, including: 

  • Sensuality, sexual intimacy, and giving and receiving pleasure 

  • Creativity and unstructured expression 

  • Healthy emotions and the inner child 

  • The divine feminine 

  • Synchronicity 

Your body and emotions can further tell you if your sacral chakra is overactive (an overactive chakra distributes too much energy and can bring imbalance to the chakra). Signs that your sacral chakra is overactive are “being consumed by and drowning in emotions, being emotionally tempestuous, and using escapism to avoid life.” You may find yourself on a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows, one moment having emotional outbursts and the next feeling disconnected. Your sacral chakra may also feel off balance by being blocked. Signs of this include: anxiety, isolation, low libido and a lack of creative expression

Restoring your sacral chakra may take several attempts, but is very rewarding. Meditation, yoga and affirmations can all help to do this. Candice Covington, author of “Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice” gives the following example of a power sacral meditation: 

  1. Take a comfortable seat, or sit in a reclined position and close your eyes 

  2. Visualize a flat white or silver moon stretching from your knees to your navel 

  3. Silently repeat the water element mantra “vam”

It is through that this act will “clear the shadow energies and bring the gift aspect of the sacral chakra into sharp focus to be utilized in your life.”Affirmations are also thought to be helpful, both for your sacral chakra and connection to your body in general. Examples of affirmations used to balance the sacral chakra include: “I trust my feelings. I trust myself”, “I am safe to express my sexuality”, and “I allow my creativity to flow freely.” 

Crystals and stones are my personal favourite way to heal one’s sacral chakra. Not only are they pretty, but I simply feel the most drawn to them. In their simplest form, these crystals make me creative and horny. The following crystals are highly recommended: 

  • Tigers eye — heightening the primal connection and leading with courage 

  • Citrine — manifesting joy 

  • Autumn jasper — compassion and protecting your positive space 

  • Carnelian — (my favourite!) unleashing creativity and discovering hidden gifts 

  • Mookalite — embracing change and resolving difficult situations 

Have a quick google search of these crystals and see if you are drawn to any of them in particular! Note that you should check that the shop you are buying from has their crystals ethically sourced, this means that the crystals have been sourced in a way that has minimal impact on the environment, this can also mean that the money raised from this can go to the local communities rather than large businesses. Most small shops will be more than happy to tell you where they sourced their crystals from, and if they refuse to tell you? Move on and check out another shop!

Should you be interested in other crystals for your sex life, check out SHA’s other crystal guide

Alongside crystals and meditation is noticing what you put into your body. It is also thought that food can come into the role of balancing the sacral chakra, Covington suggests eating orange foods that have qualities associated with the sacral chakra and the water element. This can include peaches, gala apples, mango, cherry tomatoes, and oysters. Staying hydrated is also important to balance your sacral chakra, and is also important for well, living. 

There are no hard or strict rules on how to heal your sacral chakra, the vast majority of it comes down to what you feel is right for you. I love crystals, and also enjoy affirmations to feel connected and care for my body. I do not however feel any inclination to change my diet, and that is absolutely okay! Once you begin to tap into your chakra centres of healing, your intuition will strengthen and you will know instinctively what is right for you. If you are looking to heal your sacral chakra, work on both the sexuality and creativity elements of it, ignoring one for the other can result in an off-balance—which will not help you in the long run. Learning to listen to your body can be a long journey, full of mistakes and learning curves. But it is so, so rewarding to do so. 

By Stephanie McCartney