The question everyone asks before investing in an online program: Is it legit? We found that many people want to know, Is Sexual Health Alliance legit? Yes! Sexual Health Alliance has been providing certification courses since 2015 and is an AASECT-approved provider. Here we will share with you some information about Sexual Health Alliance, why we are legit, our 2024 certification programs, and some of our student success stories.
Is Sexual Health Alliance Legit? The SHA Origin Story
Sexual Health Alliance was founded in 2015 by sex therapist, Heather McPherson. While obtaining her AASECT certification in sex therapy, she spent hours upon hours piecing together continuing education hours in the specific categories required by AASECT. She thought, there has to be an easier way to do this, right? Wouldn’t it be great if there was an organization that provided a comprehensive educational program?
This was the beginning of Sexual Health Alliance’s comprehensive Sex Therapy certification program. Not only does SHA meet all of the educational requirements for AASECT certification, but the SHA Team will even assist in completing and submitting your AASECT application. This saves students A TON of time! The SHA Team matches each course section with the AASECT requirements, as well as students’ weekend training certificates, and SAR certificate.
What makes Sexual Health Alliance different from other programs?
At Sexual Health Alliance, we are proud to offer the most progressive sexual health certification available. SHA’s motto is “provocative dialogue, radical collaboration”. So what does that mean? It means that SHA stays at the forefront of the sexual health industry, providing inclusive and relevant information to students. SHA collaborates with THE BEST in the sexuality industry. Sexual Health Alliance presenters are the leaders in their field and experts in their specific subject matter. SHA presenters include household names in this industry like Dr. Justin Lehmiller, Dr. Chris Donaghue, Dr. David Ley, Midori, and Dr. Eli Sheff.
The events at Sexual Health Alliance are unlike any other. The online, live weekends are fun and engaging. The expert presenters take time to answer questions and engage with students. The in-person immersive experiences at SHA are an incredible opportunity to network and have fun with other sex nerds in this field. Study Abroad in Europe, Ski with SHA, Set Sail with SHA, and SHA’s Annual Sexological Conference are some of the exciting immersive events we offer.
Is Sexual Health Alliance Legit? Certification Programs Offered by SHA in 2024
Sexual Health Alliance is always growing and looking for ways to meet the needs of our community. SHA offers a variety of certification programs for every educational level so that no one in our field gets left behind just because they don’t have a college degree. Here’s a current list of the certification programs offered by SHA in 2024.
SHA also offers specialty certifications and courses for those wanting to take a deeper dive into certain sexual health topics. Here’s a list of Sexual Health Alliance’s specialty certification programs.
Yes, Sexual Health Alliance is Legit!
Sexual Health Alliance is a legit certification program and is an AASECT-approved provider of sexual health education. SHA has a thriving community of sexual health professionals who are doing amazing work in this field. SHA-certified students go on to work in many settings such as private practice, non-profit organizations, medical settings, community health centers, universities, and small businesses. The possibilities are endless! We leave you with a few of our student success videos because there are no other people better qualified to tell you about SHA than our incredible SHA Alumni.
““I was looking for a program that was that would really fit into my schedule and my life as a mom, and partner with a job.””
Meet Alice Bolick, a passionate sexuality educator based in California, who discovered her ideal match with SHA's flexible program. She's chasing her dreams of providing comprehensive and developmentally appropriate s£xuality education!
““It was a place that I knew I could be the therapist that I wanted to be, and to speak to the population that I wanted to speak to with the passion that I had.”
Meet Dr. Angel Brathwaite and witness her awe-inspiring journey from student to success story—it's truly inspiring. SHA Alumni Dr. Brathwaite, is an extraordinary s£x therapist based in Washington DC who is passionate about advocating for black women and making a difference in her clients' lives!
Are you destined to lead in the field of sexuality? Find out which SHA certification aligns with your vision! Click here to take the 'Shape the Future of Sexuality: Which Certification Is Your Calling?' quiz and step into your power today.