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Sexual Health Blogs

SHA’s 2024 Annual Sexological Conference: Why You'll Want to Attend

Why does SHA have an annual sexological conference?

When Sexual Health Alliance began back in 2015, events were all in-person, all the time. It was a great chance for sexuality professionals to network and get to spend time with a community of like-minded individuals. Then came the COVID pandemic and everything moved online. While online education is amazing and flexible, sometimes we just miss seeing our people in person! There’s something about the energy at an in-person event that is hard to duplicate online. 

At Sexual Health Alliance, we are training the next generation of sexological experts, and we are excited for them to share their knowledge. Many of our alumni return to SHA’s Sexological Conference to share their latest research as presenters. The foundation our students earn from SHA puts them in a position to become leaders in the field. We couldn’t be prouder of the research completed, books written, and educational content created by our alumni. 

Along with our curated list of guest presenters, we are thrilled to have Dr. Chris Donaghue returning as our Sexological Conference headliner. His progressive and modern take on sexuality aligns with SHA’s mission to promote radical collaboration and progressive dialogue. This year, Dr. Chris Donaghue will be presenting for a full day as well as giving a closing address. We can’t wait to hear what he has to share with our community. 

Why do sexuality professionals need this type of event? 

Whether you are a sex therapist, sex educator, sex counselor, sex coach and consultant, or another professional who works in the realm of sexuality, this is going to be a beneficial event for you. The SHA Sexological Conference gives industry professionals a place to learn new ideas and connect with other experts in the industry. Sexual Health Alliance is a welcoming community and includes non-traditional students, those going through a career change, and touch professionals. 

The field of sexology is always growing and changing. The 2024 SHA Sexological Conference is your chance to hear about the latest research, newest methodologies, and interesting treatments in the field. This event is an opportunity to meet some of the greatest minds in the industry and get literal face time with sexology experts. Not to mention, this event is going to be FUN! There’s time to learn and time to let loose. We have to say, no one does it quite like the SHA Community. We were the first to bring you fun events like sex nerd trivia, kinky bingo, drag shows, masquerade balls, and other immersive experiences. This year there will be exciting after-hours events that provide a chance for you to try something new and have a great time with your peers. 

Why this sexological conference space is so important

As we mentioned before, Sexual Health Alliance is an inclusive space. Not every organization is welcoming to sex workers and touch professionals. We believe that everyone in this space has value and something to contribute to the field of sexology. We are also a welcoming space to BIPOC individuals, all sexual orientations, and relationship statuses. When you bring diverse experiences and knowledge together, great things happen! 

In order to continue to grow and be progressive in the sexological field, we need to hear from the experts and latest researchers. We need connection and networking. We need to take what we have learned and share it with others. The 2024 SHA Sexological Conference provides the ideal space to learn, grow, and share. At this event you’ll have the opportunity to learn from sexology experts who have been in this field for 30+ years, and network with people who are brand new to sex therapy and sex education. In this space, you can make connections that will last a lifetime and grow your professional network. 

Hear from last year’s attendees about SHA’s Sexological Conference 

As part of the SHA Team, I can tell you all about this event and how great it will be. I was there last year and it was a BLAST! But I also think it’s beneficial for you to hear from last year’s event attendees. We couldn’t be more proud to receive this type of feedback and glowing reviews from our event. Here are a few of our favorite reviews from SHA’s 2023 Sexological Conference

“YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! Ya'll I really cannot describe the metamorphosis I went through this weekend. I am in awe of the experts in our field and how knowledgeable they are. Every single presentation held value for me, and I want to say thank you for choosing such amazing presenters and for having Chris as the keynote. His perspective is unmatched and I wish we had 100 days with him! 

You all set up such a compassionate, educational, and community-based conference. I was nervous going into it but that was wiped away within minutes with how welcoming, generous, and celebratory everyone was. I could go on forever about how grateful I am for this organization and this program. I have learned more than I've ever learned before. And it only makes me want to continue seeking out further education and engaging in radical and provocative dialogues!” -2023 SHA Sexological Conference Attendee 

“Incredible conference! This is the most useful conference I’ve attended since grad school. The information from all participants was so useful and presenters were engaging and enthusiastic. I also loved getting to network with other sexuality professionals. I loved sex nerd trivia! Can’t wait for next year!” -2023 SHA Sexological Conference Attendee 

“A million thank you's!!! I am so grateful for SHA and for Heather McPherson. I feel I finally found my calling and getting educated with SHA and being a part of this community is exactly what I need. I hope I can give back with my work and my presence as much as possible.” -2023 SHA Sexological Conference Attendee 

Are you ready to get your ticket? Click the link below and get registered now! And stay tuned to the SHA Blog, because there is a lot more coming your way to help you prepare for the 2024 Sexological Conference! 

Get your ticket to SHA’s 2024 Sexological Conference here. 

Written by: Michelle Melville-Kashon 

Check out this video recap from last year’s event!