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Sexual Health Blogs

Top 3 Herpes Podcasts & People You Should Know

By Becca Sanchez

While we know the herpes simplex virus to be one of the most common STIs (the CDC estimates 1 out of 6 people in the United States have genital herpes), the stigma behind a positive diagnosis can still feel overwhelming, confusing, and even shameful without the proper support system and education. With that being said, there are not not safe spaces available for people living with HSV to navigate their positive diagnosis. 

If you have herpes, or if you are currently seeing someone who has herpes or even if you just want to learn more herpes, we would like to share with you some people and their podcasts that are aiding in the fight against stigmatization.

1. Positively Positive Podcast

The podcast host, who goes by Sam (@positivelypositivepodcast on Instagram), shares her own personal experiences with herpes and has episodes dedicated to explaining how she manages her outbreaks, telling a potential partner about her status, common misconceptions about the virus, and her journey towards sexual liberation after receiving a positive diagnosis. We love how calming Sam’s voice is to listen to, as well as how organized the episodes are. The podcast is still relatively new, with its first episode just having surpassed its one-year anniversary. Sam’s advice is helpful, supportive, and just as important, research-based. Positively positive is the perfect podcast for anyone who is just starting out their journey with HSV; You can tell that Sam has done a lot of her own research and is able to successfully present it to her audience in a way that is easily digestible.

2. Something Positive for Positive People 

The host of Something Positive for Positive People, Courtney Brame (@Honmychest on Instagram), works towards decreasing stigma and shame around HSV while simultaneously looking at the intersectionality of race, gender, sexuality, and mental health. The goal is to provide people with the tools they need to achieve mental and sexual wellness. What we really like about Something Positive for Positive People is just how deep and healing the episodes can be; it helps to question our own beliefs about shame, depression, and autonomy after listening as well. While Courtney often talks about his own experiences, the bulk of the podcast is reaching out to other everyday people with HSV to drop some knowledge, share their experiences, and create a safe space for questions and access to resources. Listening to the interviews feels like you’re having a conversion with some old friends, the validation you receive from these episodes alleviates the feeling of loneliness that a positive diagnosis can bring. For anyone who has been on their herpes journey for a while, this podcast is essential for continued healing and self-growth. 

3. Dating With Herpes 

We hope to see more from this podcast. However, the host, Yahira Jones, has decided to take a break and pause posting any new episodes due to personal reasons. 

This podcast is defined as the “discussions on the trials and triumphs of dating after contracting the herpes virus.” Episodes go over tips and tricks for disclosure, online dating, concerns about oral sex, fear of transmitting to partners, and how to get back into dating. Our favorite episode was over the discussion around what to do when a partner ends a relationship after finding out you have herpes, but then wants to come back. These episodes really go to show just how different the experience of dating and love can be for those with HSV because of the added pressures and learning how to handle the confusing or conflicting emotions is made easier with Yahira. We love how open and vulnerable she is with her audience, and how well she is able to express complex feelings. These episodes are a bit more sporadic, but nonetheless are a viable resource for folks who are trying to navigate romantic relationships with their status.

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