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Sexual Health Blogs

Understanding the AASECT Certification: What You Need to Know

Are you thinking about getting AASECT certified? That's awesome! AASECT certification is like the gold standard in the world of sex therapy and education. It shows that you’ve completed all of the steps in order to be a trusted professional in the field. But, of course, there’s a process to follow and some requirements to meet. The process can be a little complicated and confusing at times, but no worries, we are here to help! Let’s break it down together, and we will show you how Sexual Health Alliance (SHA) can help you meet those requirements.

What is AASECT Certification?

AASECT stands for the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. Getting certified by AASECT means you've met high standards for professional competence in the field of sexual health. There are different certifications for sex therapists, sexuality educators, and sexuality counselors, each with its own set of requirements.

The Path to AASECT Certification

1. Educational Requirements

First, you need to complete specific educational requirements. For sex therapy certification, you need to have a master’s degree in a field such as psychology, counseling, or social work. You also need to plan to become licensed by your state before you can be certified. For sexuality educator and counselor certification, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in any field and there’s no license required. 

2. Clinical Experience

For sex therapists, educators, and counselors, you’ll need a significant amount of supervised clinical experience. This means working directly with clients under the guidance of a certified supervisor. 

  • For sex therapy, “the applicant will have completed a minimum of providing three hundred (300) hours of AASECT supervised clinical treatment of patients/clients who present with sexual concerns” (AASECT Sex Therapy Requirements). 

  • For sexuality counselor certification, “The applicant shall have completed a minimum of providing one hundred (100) hours of supervised sexuality counseling” (AASECT Sexuality Counselor Requirements). 

  • For sexuality educator certification, the requirements are the same, “The applicant shall have completed a minimum of providing one hundred (100) hours of supervised sexuality education” (AASECT Sexuality Educator Requirements). 

3. Supervision

You’ll also need supervision hours. These are sessions where you discuss your cases or case studies provided to you, and get feedback from an experienced, certified supervisor. Finding a program that has supervision included can make this step a lot easier for you. 

  • For sex therapy, 50 hours of supervision are required. 

  • For sexuality counselors, 30 hours of supervision is required. 

  • For sexuality educators, 25 hours of supervision is required. 

4. Continuing Education

AASECT requires continuing education, which means you’ll need to keep learning and stay updated on the latest in sexual health and therapy. “Continuing Professional Education Related to Sexuality: The minimum requirement for certification renewal is twenty (20) AASECT Continuing Education (CE) credits. CE credits used for Certification Renewal are subject to the review and approval of the Certification Steering Committee and must align with AASECT policies, ethics and positions” (AASECT Renewal Requirements). 

Want to know another one of the amazing things about SHA? Once you are a SHA Alumni, you get incredible discounts on continuing education workshops. The Sexual Health Alliance team doesn’t leave you once you graduate, they are there to support you throughout your career. 

How SHA’s Programs Meet AASECT Requirements

Now, let’s talk about how SHA fits into this picture. SHA offers comprehensive programs designed to meet AASECT’s educational requirements for certification. Let’s dive into the details of their programs.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: SHA covers all the required coursework in human sexuality, sexual dysfunction, therapeutic techniques, and ethics. This ensures you get a solid foundation in sex therapy. SHA also offers the required Sexuality Attitude Reassessment (SAR) as part of the program. 

  • Supervision: SHA connects you with certified supervisors who guide you through your clinical work, offering valuable feedback and support. SHA offers a “supervision included” option for the sex therapy program and the sexuality counselor program.

  • Flexibility: SHA’s flexible program can be done 100% online. This means you can fit your studies around your life. Plus, their commitment to inclusivity means you'll be prepared to work with diverse clients.

  • Networking: SHA offers plenty of opportunities to connect with other sexuality professionals, helping you build a network of support and resources.

Why Choose SHA?

SHA is the premier choice for anyone serious about getting AASECT certified. Here’s why:

  • Expert Instructors: Learn from the best in the field. SHA’s instructors are experienced professionals who bring real-world knowledge to their teaching. SHA provides interactive, online workshops where you can connect with some of the top sexuality experts in the field. 

  • Comprehensive and Flexible Programs: If you’re a busy person, SHA has options that fit your lifestyle. Their programs cover all the bases, ensuring you meet the educational requirements for AASECT certification.

  • Inclusive and Progressive: SHA is committed to inclusivity and diversity. Their programs prepare you to work with clients from all walks of life, making you a more effective and empathetic professional.

  • Community and Networking: When you join SHA, you’re not just a student—you’re part of a vibrant, supportive community of sex-positive professionals. This network is invaluable as you start and grow your career.

Get AASECT Certified and Learn From The Best

Getting AASECT certified is a fantastic goal, and with the right program, it’s totally achievable. SHA offers everything you need to meet the educational requirements and become a confident, competent sex therapist, educator, or counselor. So, if you’re ready to take the next step in your career, check out SHA’s programs. It’s not just about getting certified—it’s about joining a community, learning from the best, and making a real difference in the world of sexual health. You’ve got this! Let’s get you certified and on the path to an amazing career!

Transform your passion for sexuality into a career! Click now to take the 'Shape the Future of Sexuality: Which Certification Is Your Calling?' quiz and uncover the SHA certification that will launch your professional journey.