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Sexual Health Blogs

Statement of Solidarity

Dear SHA Community Members,

We are outraged and saddened by the horrific displays of continuous police brutality among the Black community and the ruthless murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Philando Castile and countless other names and lives.

We are dedicated to our mission of radical collaboration, which includes the fight against oppression and racism. We strive to be actively anti-racist and will continue raising the bar for ourselves and the organization from events and conferences to our certificate programs and educational materials.  

Commitment to Inclusion & Fighting Injustice

As an educational organization, we believe our best work can be done by helping you, our community members and students gain insight, education, key resources and learning how to advocate for your Black clients and patients. This also includes helping you fight for social justice expand your reach and impact. We will continue to listen and learn how we can advocate in addition to providing resources, scholarships, doing our own work and collaborating with more Black educators, counselors, therapists and community members.

Below are some resources we have found helpful:

Justice June

Antiracist Resources

Ted Talk

How else can we help you to be actively antiracist? In the therapy room, in coaching spaces, medical exam rooms, other healing spaces and in our communities? How can we use our voices, our skills, and our drive to reform local, state, and federal policies to help improve the lives of our fellow Americans, and citizens of this world? These are big questions to ask, and it's important to sit with them and understand how even the smallest of actions can add up to drive change. 

Organizations and Directories