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Sexual Health Blogs

Choosing SHA for Your Certification and Continuing Education Experience

Choosing SHA for your Certification and Continuing Education Experience

By Taylor Spaziani 

Become a Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Sex Educator, Counselor or Coach with SHA

There are an unfathomable amount of reasons why the Sexual Health Alliance is an amazing and worthy organization to choose for your continuing education experience and certification progress. Whether you want to become a sex therapist, sex educator, sex counselor, sex consultant, or even just certified in certain topics like kink/BDSM or consensual non-monogamy, SHA has all of these things all in one place! SHA provides each track with an organized and detailed plan to keep you on track for certification. Gathering continuing education credits, supervision hours, and anything else you might need for certification can be extremely hard to find or gather all in one area of the country.


What’s unique about SHA, is that they make it SIMPLE for you to complete these requirements and not have to worry about organizing them or figuring it out all on your own. When conferences are in person, SHA provides three conferences in your city so you have the chance to never have to leave your state!

100% Online Learning

Through times of online learning due to the global pandemic, people from all over the world can attend our training conferences! Being able to learn from radical and progressive professionals streamlines our careers to a level of thinking that our undergraduate or graduate level programs typically do not provide us with. Attending SHA training and certification programs allows you to get your foot in the door to the field of human sexuality and also keeps you up to date with current data, training models, and social justice issues. 

Top Experts in the World

SHA brings on the top of the line professionals in the field of human sexuality to teach their webinars and their training conferences which allows you to network with tons of the top professionals in our field! Forward thinking and radical lecturers is what SHA strives for in every event they create. They are simply the best.

This Community is Like No Other

Not only does SHA provide you everything you might need for certification, but SHA also provides you with a community. Having the programs be all self paced and online based, SHA is able to connect students from around the country and around the world. Building both personal and professional connections through SHA provides you with more than just certification, but a future to radical collaboration with many like minded peers. With the social aspect that SHA brings, our students remember that our careers can also be so much fun. SHA provides students with private groups on social media, virtual happy hour meetings, and so many additional chances for live Q&A sessions with the SHA directors.

Lifelong Friends and Chosen Family

The SHA team is small but incredibly caring and dedicated to your journey as a student and aims to provide our community with progressive dialogue and radical collaboration. SHA understands and respects that we all come from different walks of life and we are dedicated to embracing and acknowledging all of your authentic journeys. SHA is not only an educational step in the right direction, but SHA is also a family.


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