Sexual Attitude Reassessment (SAR) is a structured group activity and learning experience decided to challenge and question your personal beliefs and values surrounding sex and sexuality. SARs are required for those wishing to become AASECT certified but are recommended for anyone in the sexuality field and anyone who works with patients. During a SAR, one actively assesses the attitudes, reactions, and questions that may arise from viewing or discussing sexual content. The goal is to recognize when your personal thoughts impact the services you provide. SARs promote growth and compassion for others by exposing you to sexual behaviors and preferences through erotic media while structuring a group conversation with other professionals.
Even though many of us consider ourselves open-minded and knowledgeable, you may be surprised by your reactions to the experience. Sexuality educator Jenn Rahner, a Sexual Health Alliance alumn, says it best, “I know when I attended my first SAR, I thought I was quite knowledgeable and I was surprised to find that I did not, indeed, know all there was to know about what people desire!” We all have absorbed negative ideas and notions about sex that have prevented us and continue to prevent us from learning and talking about the topic. Sexuality, additionally, is virtually endless and ever-expanding, it would be impossible for one person to know every kink, fetish, fantasy, term, or topic, even if they deal with it professionally.
AASECT requires all SAR practitioners and leaders to meet a certain amount of detailed requirements in order for the SARs acceptance by AASECT. Each SAR will be expected to be created with particular attention given to diverse representations of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, ability, orientation, age, and gender identity.
AASECT CE providers and events must take into consideration a balance of trauma-informed practices as well as offering attendees personal agency and the opportunities to make choices. In order to create the greatest opportunities for learning while respecting various learning styles as well as a spectrum of sensibilities, please follow the following guidelines for AASECT presentations that show or have live demonstrations.
For those creating SARs, there are required topics, as well as elective subjects, that are to be present during the event. Some of these topics include:
● Sexual discourse (discussion that includes sexual topics)
● Socio-cultural and intersectional considerations (including but not limited to
gender, age, ability, economic class, race, ethnicity, religion, etc.)
● Sex & aging/sexual development
● Spectrum of Sexual orientation
● Varieties in sexual expressions and behaviors
● BDSM/Kink
● Spectrum of Gender Identities
● Sexual and reproductive anatomy variations
● Sexuality and disability
● Self-pleasuring/Masturbation
● Consensual Non-Monogamy
We think the reasons to attend a Sexual Attitude Reassesment are endless, but just to name a few, here is an inconclusive list:
Test any potential personal biases you may hold towards sex and sexuality
Prepare yourselves to work with clients and patients with their sex and sexuality
Discuss typically taboo topics with like-minded professionals in a safe space
Receive CEs that can go towards your SHA certification and/or AASECT certification
Study the nuance of sex, sexuality, and identity, and how other perspectives stumble upon these buzzwords
Learn from experts in specific sexuality-related fields
See and feel the connection sex brings to all of us around the world
Absolutely! You DO NOT have to attend a SAR, hosted by the Sexual Health Alliance or otherwise, in order to graduate from one of our certificate programs. That being said, AASECT requires one to have attended a SAR for their certification process. Additionally, we highly recommend attending a SAR, whether with us or another program, so any sexual biases you may have can be tested at the moment, ensuring you treat your patients–and yourself!--with the
If you are a student in our program and have enrolled after June 2022, your tuition includes the cost of one SAR, hosted by the Sexual Health Alliance, so we highly encourage you to attend the SAR we’ve created and provided for you. If you are a student in one of our programs but enrolled previous to that date, you DO NOT have to attend one of SHA’s SARs, though, again, for convenience we do encourage it, and, as a student, you receive a significant discount!
We recommend looking at AASECT’s event calendar, which is kept up-to-date with all AASECT-approved events and SARs. You will notice SHA’s events on this calendar among other online programs similar to ours.
“Sexuality professionals have an ethical duty to their clients to stay informed with a breadth and depth of knowledge and skill that expands constantly into the cutting edge.”
- Ley David Ellliette Cray
At events with the Sexual Health Alliance, you’ll notice we tend to have fun. With AASECT’s justified requirements and the often medicalized verbiage used in our field, sometimes the subject can get boring or, worse, heavy. It takes months to properly plan a SAR, and to keep the celebratory nature of sex and sexuality to our SARs, we ensure each SAR is themed accordingly. Below is a smattering of previous SARs hosted by us, all with catchy themes to keep our audience engaged.
December 2022: Hedonism in Jamaica
May 2022: Spring Fever + Golden Showers
December 2021: The Grinch Stole My Orgasm
October 2021: Wicked Eden in Mexico
February 2021: Virtual Valentine’s Day
August 2019: Mile High Club in Denver
For this year, 2023, we already have two SARs planned, though only one has been announced thus far. Join us February 17th and 18th for a weekend-long Cupid SAR, in which topics like relationships and the dating world will be discussed. These topics (and many more) are often left out of professional trainings and programs – we believe this is a huge misstep! At this SAR, come learn and explore new parts of yourself and your relationship with sexuality.
Purchase your tickets to our first SAR of 2023 here.
“While I spent all of my time there at the resort and can speak only to my own experience, I can say that other students and facilitators there with the Sexual Health Alliance were supportive, affirming, and fully collaborative in creating and maintaining an atmosphere of safety. I spoke often about queer and trans issues and perspectives throughout the training, and was met with open minds and hearts, affirming curiosity, and demonstrable displays of allyship.” - L.D.E.C, December 2022
“I could not have imagined or dreamed of a better experience for this SAR training! Again, the professionalism and facilitation was top-notch by everyone involved! I am immensely and forever grateful to be a part of the Sexual Health Alliance and to have had the opportunity to participate in this incredible SAR opportunity. It has been a pleasure!” - B.C, October 2021
I loved this conference and I was so happy to have some time in person with colleagues. My only feedback is that I wish we had more time for small group discussions, as well as in the large group. I felt as though some of the time could have been spent better on more material rather than the experience of Hedo. I appreciate that the facilitators wanted to give us more time in the experience, but I really would have liked more discussion and organized time together. I definitely learned a lot about myself and my boundaries, and I have a lot of takeaways from this event! Thank you!” - K.T., December 2022
“Thank you. In Idaho I’m considered very sexually progressive and I realized in this SAR how contextual that status is and how beneficial it is for me to extend myself into the outer limits of my comfort zone and beyond. It was definitely a literal and figurative trip for me, and I am grateful for the experience and all of the effort that was put in to make it possible. Gracias amigos.” - R.P, October 2021