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Become a SHA Certified Sexologist

Are you looking at sex coach/Sexologist training programs? Become a certified sexuality Coach and consultant with SHA!

Our program is 100% online.

We offer a highly reputable and highly recommended program to help you receive your sex coach and consultant certification, 100% online with the opportunity to choose in-person events only if you desire!

 Highly Regarded

Train with the world’s experts in sexual health. Obtain the training that we give to OBGYNs, Nurses, MDs, Therapists and Lawyers. Learn everything you need to know about becoming an expert and sexuality consultant as well as starting a business. Start anytime.

Get Expert Training & Ongoing Support

You’re joining a national community of sex positive, progressive & radical professionals. Complete all of your AASECT Certification Educational CE requirements with The Sexual Health Alliance today!

Gain Competitive Advantage & Grow your Practice

A SHA Certification will increase your value as a professional. You will be able to expand your services, feel confident marketing your speciality and your network and specialize in a growing field that consistently delivers big results!

A SHA Certified Sexologist Certification helps you build the Sexologist career of your dreams by offering you the ability to provide:

  • Sexuality Consultations

  • Sexuality Coaching

  • Intimacy Consulting and Coaching

  • Trainings, Courses, Workshops and Webinars

  • Retreats and Groups

Who can become a Certified Sexologist?

  • Professionals who work with individuals and relationships and want to add sex coaching to their services.

  • You’re already a Coach, Sex Coach or Certified Sex Coach and ready to go to the next level.

  • If you are a licensed therapist and want to be able to treat sexuality issues or add Sexolo to expand your services.

  • You’re new to coaching, but you’re working on learning basic coaching skills on your own.

  • Sexological bodyworkers, Sex Workers, Sexuality writers or bloggers, or Sex Educators that want to add sexuality consulting or sex coaching and have more experiential tools available to you and your clients.

  • You have either some college, Associates degree, Bachelors degree, Master’s degree or PhD. Please contact us if you are applying under special circumstances.


SHA Certification includes an online program that you can complete at your own pace. Three online events and an AASECT Approved Online SAR are also included in the tuition. Additional conferences and specialized add on certifications are discounted for students so feel free to attend more and gain additional CEs.


  • Meet & Greet Parties

  • Annual Conference Discount

  • Secret Facebook Group w/ Q&A sessions

  • Included bonus webinars on building a coaching business

  • Discount to optional SHA Business School for focused help on growing your business

  • Included Online SAR (Sexual Attitude Reassessment) ($750 value)

  • Additional information to help you start your business

  • "Do it for me" AASECT Application (for those planning to apply) + Option to Include AASECT Supervision

  • Surprise Swag

  • Future Trainings at a Discount

  • This program also grants you eligibility to apply for AASECT Certification if/when you obtain a BA degree or clinical degree and add on an AASECT eligible program

  • And More!


Apply to become a SHA Sexology Certification program and receiving admission to the program, submit your tuition.

Sexual Health Alliance offers various payment options. You are able to pay the full tuition fee in full or over a period of 12 or 18 months.

The Fast-Track Program option might be a great fit for you!

Enjoy the same certification, the same comprehensive education, and the same AASECT eligibility — in less time. The program is now offered as an optional add-on to your current certification program!


SHA goes the distance to make our community the best in the world. You’re joining a massive community full of opportunity to not only get certified, but also opportunities to participate in “after school” parties, study abroad programs and other adventurous gatherings all over the world. This community is filled with individuals from every walk of life, from around the globe.

Become a SHA student and join us in all the adventures!

Unsolicited Raving Fans of SHA!

As someone who is *constantly* listening to ted talks/ podcasts/audiobooks, I find it difficult to find new & in-depth information. But SHA is full of it. I’m happiest when I’m learning new research and I have felt so happy and energized this last week because of all the information that you have provided. What you provide through SHA is radical, new, and holistic and because of all that... highly ethical.
- Current SHA Certification Student

Check out our past events!

Start your dream career in the sexuality field today and finish your program(s) at your own pace, online and from anywhere in the world!

Contact a SHA team member at +1 (512) 766-7603, schedule a zoom meeting or check out our Frequently Asked Questions on our FAQ Page, Click Here. Or fill out an application HERE.


  • Start accruing your hours at any time. CEs (or CEUs) never expire. If you are a student, you are able start your hours while in school.

  • Fourteen (14) hours of Online Sexuality Attitude Reassessment (SAR) (The Sexual Health Alliance offers a SAR about twice a year).

  • Ninety (90) hours of Human Sexuality Core Knowledge (These are CEUs that you are able to earn through The Sexual Health Alliance, above program).

  • Sixty (60) hours of training specific to Sexuality Education (These are CEUs that you are able to earn through The Sexual Health Alliance, above program).

  • All candidates MUST be supervised by AASECT certified professionals for the indicated number of hours. Candidates must have a certain number of hours of field experience that are supervised.

  • AASECT approved CEU courses (The Sexual Health Alliance is an approved organizational provider) will be accepted to fulfill content required for AASECT Certification. Our program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for AASECT CE* credits.

AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator: Potential AASECT Certified Sexuality Educators are typically leading workshops, teaching classes, or organizing and facilitating seminars. Sexuality educators may teach in the classroom at the elementary, secondary, and higher education levels. They may also provide education for groups of children, adolescents, or adults, training for professionals, and outreach and education in community-based, healthcare, corporate, and faith-based settings. Sexuality educators also may design and conduct workshops, courses, and seminars; contribute to the sexuality education literature; develop curriculum; plan and administer programs; deliver lectures; and provide one-on-one client education sessions. The minimum degree required is a Bachelor's degree.

AASECT Certified Sexuality Counselor: Potential AASECT Certified Sexuality Counselors might be working in a clinical or medical setting, giving specific suggestions and advice. Examples of sexuality counselors are Planned Parenthood counselors, nurses and other health professionals, school counselors, and clinical pastoral care and counseling providers. Sexuality counseling is generally short term and client-centered, focusing on the immediate concern or problem. Minimum degree required is a Bachelor's degree.

NOTE: This program includes all the education needed for AASECT Sex Educator (A minimum of 150 AASECT CEs*). You will need to register for an Online SAR (Included in the tuition of this program) and obtain AASECT Supervision in order to turn in a complete packet to AASECT (click here to see how many hours you need to complete AASECT supervision). We will match you with a supervisor if desired. The Sexual Health Alliance host annual SARs, please check out our upcoming events. 

Please contact your local certifying organization for detailed information on whether these CEs can be applied to your license. *This program meets the requirements for the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). Sexual Health Alliance is an approved organizational provider for AASECT CE’s, Provider #15-491-X. Attainment of AASECT CE’s does not ensure or guarantee AASECT Certification. For further information, please contact