Sex Nerd Book Club: Tantric Orgasm for Women — Sexual Health Alliance

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Sex Nerd Book Club: Tantric Orgasm for Women

  • 3101 Oak Springs Dr Austin, Texas, 78702 (map)

Hi Sex Nerds!

The book the Sexual Health Alliance Sex Nerd Book Club has selected for June 2019 is:

Tantric Orgasm for Women by Diana Richardson

When: Friday June 7, 2019 from 12:00-1:30pm

Who: Sexual/mental health professionals and those in training to do so (therapists, educators, etc)

Where: Austin Public Library-Willie Mae Kirk Branch Meeting Room (there is only 1 meeting room at this location) 3101 Oak Springs Dr, Austin, TX 78702

Here's What It's About:

Fulfilling sex nourishes love and rejuvenates the body, boosting both mental health and creativity. Unfortunately, prevailing attitudes in modern society can work against the natural capacity of women to realize their sexual potential. Using knowledge from the sensually cultivated traditions of ancient India, Tantric Orgasm for Women focuses on relaxation as the key to achieving deep orgasmic states. 

Exploring tantric sex from the female perspective, Diana Richardson reveals the critical role receptive feminine energy plays in allowing orgasmic states to arise. Drawing on twenty years of tantric research and personal experience, she shows women how to exert a powerful influence on their lovemaking by understanding the electromagnetic potential of the human body. There is more to the old adage “opposites attract” than meets the eye. When the opposing polarities of man and woman are brought into proper alignment, electromagnetic energy spreads throughout the body to create states of sustained orgasmic bliss. 

Tantric Orgasm for Women explains why breast stimulation is more significant to orgasm than attention paid to the clitoris; how deep, sustained penetration of the vagina activates the electromagnetic flow; why relaxation is preferable to excitement; and how the tantric approach can overcome the problems of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction that so often make conventional sex frustrating and unsatisfying for both men and women. The author also explores tantric possibilities for same-sex couples. Tantric meditations and hands-on exercises for developing awareness and sensitivity appear at the end of every chapter, providing clear instructions on how to revolutionize your approach to sex.   

Earlier Event: February 9
Sex Nerd Book Club: Rebel Love