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Sexual Health Blogs

May Has Come, and So Should You

Is May masturbation month

Ever heard the one about how masturbation will make your palms hairy? Or how it's a surefire way to go blind? Let's debunk these myths and dive into the fascinating world of self-love, where pleasure meets science and fun meets truth. Did you know May is also Masturbation Month?! That's right, a whole month dedicated to exploring personal pleasure and getting in touch with your own sexual self-awareness. It's a topic that can sometimes make people feel a little shy or uncomfortable, but it's definitely worth discussing openly. Masturbation is a natural act that actually comes with a ton of benefits for our physical, emotional, and sexual health. Let's break down those taboos and start having more open conversations about it!

The Origins of Masturbation Month

Masturbation Month, also known as May Is Masturbation Month, was started back in 1995 in San Francisco by sex-positive activists and educators in the United States. It was created to promote sexual health awareness and empowerment. Organizations like Good Vibrations, a sex toy retailer, played a key role in popularizing this month-long observance.

It all began as a way to show support for Joycelyn Elders, the U.S. Surgeon General who lost her job for suggesting that masturbation should be taught in sex education classes. This sparked a movement to promote self-care and self-love, turning it into an annual celebration. The primary goal of Masturbation Month is to eliminate the stigma surrounding self-pleasure, foster open conversations about sexual well-being, and reinforce the idea that masturbation is a natural and positive aspect of human sexuality. Since its inception, Masturbation Month has evolved into a global movement advocating for sexual freedom, self-care, and the right to express one's sexuality without fear of judgment.

Back in 1994, at a United Nations World AIDS Day event, U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders was asked about whether masturbation should be included in sexual education. She actually said yes, suggesting that it could be a helpful topic to discuss. Unfortunately, this led to her getting fired.

People were pretty surprised and upset about Elders losing her job over this. Many believed that promoting masturbation as a safe practice during the AIDS crisis was a good idea. This whole situation made a lot of folks want to break the stigma around this topic and have more open, non-judgmental conversations about it. Cheers to normalizing something that is totally natural and healthy! 

Some other influential people to learn more about this month include:

  1. Betty Dodson: A renowned American sex educator, artist, and author, Betty Dodson played a significant role in promoting masturbation as a normal and healthy part of sexuality. Her workshops and books, such as "Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving," encouraged individuals to explore and embrace their own pleasure through self-pleasure practices.

  2. Joani Blank: An entrepreneur and founder of Good Vibrations, a pioneering sex-positive adult store, Joani Blank was instrumental in creating Masturbation Month. Through her work at Good Vibrations, Blank helped to destigmatize sex toys and promote sexual health and well-being, including the celebration of self-pleasure during Masturbation Month.

  3. Emily Nagoski: A sex educator, author, and researcher, Emily Nagoski is known for her advocacy of sexual well-being and her efforts to debunk myths and misconceptions around sexuality. Her book "Come As You Are" has been influential in promoting a positive and inclusive approach to sexuality, including the importance of self-pleasure as part of a healthy sexual repertoire.

Why Masturbate?

Masturbation is awesome for so many reasons! Not only is it a safe way to enjoy some "me time" without any worries about STIs or getting pregnant, but it also allows you to really get to know your own body and what feels good. Plus, it can even help spice things up in the bedroom with your partner by letting them know what you like. It's all about self-exploration and pleasure!

Masturbation is a healthy and natural part of human sexuality, offering a range of benefits. Here are the top five reasons to consider incorporating masturbation into your routine:

  • Improves Mental Well-being: Masturbation can really boost your mood! It releases endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin - all those good-feeling hormones that help elevate your mood, reduce stress, and make you feel relaxed and happy. So go ahead and give yourself a little self-love for a quick pick-me-up!

  • Enhances Sexual Health: Just wanted to mention that regular masturbation is actually a really great way for people to get to know themselves better in terms of sexual desires and responses. This knowledge can then be super helpful in enhancing sexual relations with partners as it can boost confidence and improve communication about what feels good. Plus, it's a safe way to explore sexual pleasure without having to worry about the risk of STIs or unintended pregnancy. So go ahead and give yourself some love and really get to know what makes you feel good!

  • Promotes Better Sleep: After experiencing the wonderful release of orgasm, whether on your own or with a partner, many people find themselves feeling pleasantly relaxed and drift off into a more restful sleep. It's like a natural sleep aid, especially helpful for those who have trouble falling asleep due to conditions like insomnia.

  • Relieves Physical Discomfort: Did you know that masturbation can have some great health benefits? For women, it can help ease menstrual cramps and relieve muscular tension. And for men, frequent ejaculation, whether through masturbation or other means, is actually linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer. This might be because it helps release toxins from the reproductive system. So, don't be shy about taking care of yourself in this way – it could be good for your health!

  • Boosts Self-Esteem and Body Awareness: Masturbation is a great way to boost your self-esteem and form a positive connection with your body. It can help you feel more comfortable in your own skin, build your confidence, and learn more about what makes you feel good.

Physical Benefits

Masturbation isn't just beneficial for your sexual health, it's great for your overall physical well-being too! It can assist in reducing stress, enhancing sleep, and releasing tension. Plus, for women, it can help strengthen the pelvic floor and lessen menstrual cramps. And for men, regular ejaculation from either masturbation or sex may lower the risk of prostate cancer. So go ahead and give yourself some self-love for a healthier you!

Emotional and Mental Benefits

Masturbation can actually do wonders for your mood! When you engage in self-pleasure, your body releases feel-good hormones like dopamine and oxytocin, which can lift your spirits and make you feel happy. This sense of well-being and self-satisfaction can be super empowering, especially for those who are exploring their sexuality or recovering from past sexual trauma. It's a way to reclaim and celebrate your body in a safe and comforting environment. So go ahead and give yourself some love - it's good for both your mind and body!

The Pleasure Principle

Masturbation is all about experiencing pleasure and getting to know your body better. It's a fantastic way to figure out what feels good for you. This self-discovery is not only important for your own enjoyment, but it can also help improve intimacy with a partner.

The pleasure principle, brought to you by the one and only Sigmund Freud, is all about the pursuit of pleasure and avoiding pain. It explains why we do what we do, like why getting a little frisky with ourselves is totally normal and natural. Freud knew what's up!

How the Pleasure Principle Relates to Masturbation

  • Immediate Gratification: Masturbation is actually a pretty great way to satisfy those sexual urges and desires we all have. It gives individuals the freedom to experience pleasure on their own terms, making it super convenient and totally in line with our natural drive to seek out pleasure to meet our needs.

  • Stress Relief and Emotional Regulation: Masturbation isn't just about getting off - it can actually do wonders for your mood and stress levels. When you have an orgasm, your body releases feel-good hormones like endorphins that can help you relax and feel better. It's like giving yourself a little emotional pick-me-up, all in the name of seeking comfort and happiness. Just a little self-love can go a long way in boosting your overall well-being!

  • Safe Exploration of Desires: Masturbation is a great way to get to know your body and what turns you on without worrying about anyone else's opinions or any health risks. It's a safe and enjoyable way to explore your deepest desires and feel good both physically and mentally. So go ahead and treat yourself!

  • Learning and Feedback Mechanism: Through the act of self-pleasure, people are able to explore and discover what feels good for them. This helps them figure out what turns them on and what they enjoy, ultimately enhancing their ability to have more satisfying sexual experiences in the future, whether they're alone or with a partner. It's all about learning and optimizing how to experience pleasure in a more efficient and effective way.

Broader Implications

So, how does Freud's pleasure principle connect to human sexuality, especially when it comes to masturbation. Basically, Freud believed that seeking pleasure is a core part of who we are as humans. So, when it comes to self-pleasure, it's actually a natural and positive thing that can contribute to our overall well-being and mental health. In a nutshell, enjoying sexual pleasure is just as important as taking care of our physical and emotional health. 

Masturbation Myths

There are so many myths surrounding masturbation, but I can promise you that 99.9% of what you were taught growing up is wrong! Here are five of the most common masturbation myths I have come across:

  1. Masturbation causes physical harm: One prevalent misconception is that masturbation can result in physical ailments such as vision impairment, infertility, or hair loss. However, the truth is that masturbation is a natural and harmless form of sexual activity that does not pose any physical risks.

  2. Masturbation is only for single people: Another common misconception is that individuals who are single are the only ones who partake in masturbation. In reality, individuals of all relationship statuses, including those in committed relationships, may engage in self-pleasure as a normal aspect of their sexual expression and personal well-being.

  3. Masturbation is a sign of sexual dysfunction: There is a belief held by some that frequent masturbation may indicate sexual dysfunction or addiction. However, it is important to recognize that masturbation is a natural and common behavior that can serve as a healthy means of self-exploration and understanding of one's own body and sexual desires.

  4. Masturbation is only for young people: There is a misconception that only young individuals, particularly adolescents, engage in self-stimulation. In actuality, individuals of all age groups may choose to participate in masturbation, as sexual desire and pleasure are not restricted by age.

  5. Masturbation is shameful or sinful: Cultural and religious beliefs often suggest that masturbation may be viewed as morally or culturally inappropriate. However, many proponents of a healthy attitude toward sexuality argue that masturbation is a natural and pleasurable aspect of human sexuality, devoid of shame or guilt when practiced in a consensual and responsible manner.

Overcoming the Taboo

So, let's talk about something that's a bit sensitive but totally normal - masturbation! It's pretty wild how this natural act is still considered taboo in some circles, right? Whether it's due to cultural, religious, or societal norms, people can feel kinda awkward about it. But hey, that's where Masturbation Month comes in!

This month is all about breaking down those old-fashioned ideas and showing everyone that self-love is nothing to be ashamed of. There are some really cool educational programs happening to help spread the word about masturbation - think workshops, talks, and even art installations. The goal? To make talking about human sexuality a more open and positive conversation. Let's embrace our bodies and celebrate the joy of self-love together! 

How to Participate

Did you know that Masturbation Month is a time for everyone to celebrate? Whether you're just starting out or have been a self-pleasure pro for years, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Here are a few ways to celebrate:

  1. Educate Yourself: Did you know that taking a bit of time to explore the benefits of masturbation, different techniques to enhance your experience, and the latest research on sexual health can be really beneficial? Websites like Planned Parenthood and academic journals have some awesome resources that can empower you and help clear up any myths or misconceptions. It's definitely worth checking out!

  2. Join or Host Workshops and Events: If you're interested in learning more about sexual wellness and masturbation, why not look into attending some workshops, webinars, or talks? These events cover a wide range of topics, from educational sessions about sexual anatomy to discussions about the cultural perceptions of masturbation. And if you can't find any events nearby, maybe think about hosting a virtual meet-up with some speakers to help spread awareness. It's a great way to connect with others and broaden your knowledge on the subject!

  3. Try New Things: Use Masturbation Month to dive into your own sexuality. Why not take this opportunity to try out some new masturbation techniques, check out different types of erotic content, or even experiment with some fun sex toys that can really enhance your pleasure? The possibilities are endless, so have fun exploring and discovering new dimensions of pleasure!.

  4. Open Conversations: Let's break the stigma around masturbation by having open and honest chats with friends or partners. Sharing your thoughts and experiences can help make talking about masturbation more common and help people feel more comfortable and accepting of this important aspect of sexual health. Let's start the conversation!

  5. Support Sexual Health Organizations: Join the movement to promote sexual health and education during Masturbation Month! There are so many organizations out there working hard to make a difference. You can show your support by donating, volunteering, or even just telling your friends about the amazing work they're doing. Let's work together to advance sexual health and rights for all!

By taking part in these activities, you're not only looking out for your own sexual well-being, but also helping to spread the word about the importance of healthy attitudes towards masturbation and sexual health. 

Masturbation Month is all about more than just encouraging self-pleasure – it's also about embracing sexual health and well-being, showing ourselves some self-love, and breaking down those old taboos that still linger around the topic. By having open and honest conversations, we're not only enhancing our own lives but helping to create a more accepting culture around our natural sexuality. Let's keep on breaking down those barriers together!

This May, let's really celebrate ourselves with all the excitement and good vibes we truly deserve. Happy Masturbation Month!

Additional Resources




Written by Kihya McComb