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Choosing the Right Sex Therapy Certification Program for You

Choosing the Right Sex Therapy Certification Program for You

So, you're thinking about jumping into the world of sex therapy? That’s fantastic! It’s such a rewarding field where you can make a real difference in people’s lives. But with so many certification programs out there, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose the right one. No worries, though—we are here to help you navigate through it all. Let’s break down the criteria you should consider to find a program that aligns perfectly with your career goals and learning style. And of course, we’ve got to tell you why the Sexual Health Alliance (SHA) stands out as the top choice.

1. Accreditation and Credibility

First things first, you want to make sure the certification program is accredited and respected in the field. An accredited program means it meets specific standards of quality and is recognized by professional organizations. Look for programs endorsed by organizations like the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT). SHA, for instance, is well-regarded and offers programs that meet these high standards, ensuring your certification is legit and respected.

2. Comprehensive Curriculum for Sex Therapy Certification

Sex therapy is a complex field that covers a wide range of topics. You want a program that provides a thorough education, covering everything from sexual dysfunction and intimacy issues to LGBTQIA+ concerns and kink. SHA's sex therapy program curriculum is incredibly comprehensive. They offer specialized training that dives deep into various aspects of human sexuality, ensuring you're well-prepared to handle a diverse array of client issues.

3. Learning Style Compatibility

We all have different ways of learning, so it’s important to find a program that fits your style. Do you prefer in-person classes, online learning, or a hybrid model? SHA offers a flexible curriculum that can be done 100% online. This flexibility means you can learn at your own pace and fit your studies around your life, whether you're a night owl or an early bird. SHA also offers in-person workshops and training, so if you long for that in-person connection, we have your back. 

4. Practical Experience and Sex Therapy Supervision

Theory is great, but real-life experience is crucial in sex therapy. Look for programs that offer plenty of opportunities for practical application through interactive workshops and face time with experienced professionals. SHA stands out because they provide extensive opportunities for real-world practice under the supervision of experienced professionals. This ensures you not only learn the theory but also how to apply it effectively with clients. SHA’s supervision-included sex therapy certification program offers supervision from experienced sex therapists. In the supervision-included program, you’ll have the opportunity to earn the 50 hours of supervision required by AASECT for certification. 

5. Inclusivity and Diversity

Sex therapy should be inclusive and respectful of all sexual orientations, identities, and expressions. A good program will cover topics related to diverse populations and teach you how to provide culturally competent care. SHA is known for its commitment to inclusivity and diversity. Their training includes comprehensive education on working with various communities, ensuring you're prepared to support clients from all walks of life. Sexual Health Alliance frequently reviews the sex therapy certification program curriculum to make sure it remains the most progressive and inclusive content in the field. 

6. Networking Opportunities for Sex Therapists 

Building a professional network is invaluable. Look for programs that offer networking opportunities with other students, alumni, and professionals in the field. SHA excels here, creating a strong community of sex-positive professionals. They offer numerous events, workshops, and conferences where you can connect with peers and mentors, fostering relationships that can support your career growth. Sexual Health Alliance provides a private group for students and alumni to connect, ask questions, study together, and give referrals to each other.  

7. Continuing Education and Support After Sex Therapy Certification 

The field of sex therapy is always evolving, so it’s important to stay current with new research and practices. Choose a program that offers continuing education and ongoing support. SHA provides continuous learning opportunities and resources to keep you updated on the latest trends and developments in sex therapy. Plus, being part of the SHA community means you'll always have access to support and guidance. Once you are a Sexual Health Alliance student, you are always part of the SHA community. This means you get invites and discounts to exclusive events, training, and specialty certification programs

8. Financial Considerations for Sex Therapy Certification

Let’s be real—cost is a factor. While you want a high-quality education, you also need it to be affordable. Look for programs that offer payment plans, scholarships, or financial aid options. SHA understands this and offers various financial support options to make its programs accessible without compromising on quality. SHA offers several payment plans: a three-payment option, a 12-month payment option, an 18-month payment option, and even a 24-month payment option. At Sexual Health Alliance, our team is made of up real people who want to support you. Our team will personally work with you to explore the best payment options for you so you can work toward becoming a certified sex therapist

Find Your Perfect Sex Therapy Program Fit

Choosing the right sex therapy certification program is a big decision, but keeping these criteria in mind will help you find the perfect fit. SHA stands out as a premier choice because of its accreditation, comprehensive curriculum, flexibility, real-life experience, inclusivity, networking opportunities, continuing education, and financial support. They truly have it all.

If you're ready to begin working on your sex therapy certification, SHA is an excellent place to start. You'll gain not just a certification, but also a supportive community and a wealth of knowledge to help you thrive in your career as a sex therapist. So, take a deep breath, trust yourself, and dive into this exciting new chapter. You've got this, and we can't wait to see you shine!

Learn more about the Sex Therapy Certification program at SHA now!

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